Fresh citrus thrives in the winter months, bringing color and flavor to salads, desserts, and main dishes alike. Because we ship all sorts of citrus, which arrive in varying sizes and states of green, blush, orange, and yellow, we know it can be difficult to spot the difference between an orange and a grapefruit. (And sometimes a lemon, too!) Here’s what you need to know.
Aka pummelo, it’s the largest citrus around, even bigger than a grapefruit. Its skin is green with a thick interior pith and pale pink segments. The pomelo is similar in taste to a grapefruit, though sweeter and without some of that off-putting bitterness. Use pomelo in place of grapefruit in salsas, jams, or cocktails.
Perhaps the most versatile citrus of all, lemons have an acidic, sour flavor tinged with a bright sweetness. Weight matters more than size here—the heavier the lemon, the juicier it will be. Use fresh lemon juice in salad dressings, marinades, cake mixes, and cocktails. Or, just a squeeze of juice will finish off most savory dishes. Chicken, salmon, soups, and pastas.
The lime’s acidic flavor is slightly bitter with some sweetness and a floral aftertaste. They’re notably smaller—and less juicy—than lemons, with a major difference: bright green skin and a greenish flesh. Use limes to make curd for lime bars or pies.
Blood Oranges
The blood orange is aptly named for its dark crimson flesh, though if you look close enough you’ll notice a dark orange peel, similar to that of a novel orange. The interior color isn’t the only difference here. Blood oranges are sweeter than your typical orange with an almost raspberry-like flavor. Eat them plain, bake them into cakes or sweet breads, or juice them for cocktails.
Tango Mandarins
The peel, pith, and flesh all have a deep orange color. This mandarin is sweet with a hint of tartness, virtually seedless, and an easy to peel skin. Eat them as a snack, juice, or segment for salads and baked goods.
Minneola Tangelo
This bell shaped citrus is a cross between a pomelo and a tangerine. It’s about the size of a baseball, with a sweet but tangy flavor, thanks to its horticultural genetics. Perfect for snacking, juicing, or adding to salad dressings or sauces.
Gold Nugget Mandarins
This late-season seedless citrus is fist-sized and lumpy with a juicy-sweet flavor and fragrant aroma. They’re a succulent mandarin ideal for juicing.
One of the largest citrus fruits, grapefruit has a yellow skin with an instantly recognizable hint of pink. Inside, you’ll find a thick white pith and juicy segments that range from light blush to dark ruby in color. Grapefruit’s tart flavor benefits from a touch of sugar (we love it topped with sugar and broiled for a brulee effect) or even a dash of salt to mellow its acidity (try a sprinkle before adding to fruit salad!).
Valencia Oranges
Though this smooth hybrid was born in California, it was named in honor of the sweet oranges found in Valencia, Spain. It’s the ideal juicing orange thanks to its succulent segments, which produce a well-balanced sweet-tart liquid. Drink it fresh (strain its few seeds first) or use in marinades and salad dressings.
Cara Cara Oranges
The seedless Cara Cara is a medium-sized citrus with minimal pith that’s easy to peel. What’s really special is its deep orange rind and blood-orange interior. (It is a cousin to the blood orange, after all!) Cara Cara is delicious in ceviche with jalapeño, and it tames greens like spicy arugula and bitter radicchio.
Mandarin Oranges
Mandarin oranges are small—roughly 1.5 inches in diameter—and on the sweet side. The best part? No seeds and a flattened oval shape that makes it simple to peel. Mandarin segments are popular salad toppings (we like them on spinach), in desserts, and juiced for salad dressings.
Navel Oranges
Navel oranges get their name from the blossom end of the fruit, which looks similar to a human belly button. They are very sweet—more so than Valencias—seedless, and have a thick, easily peelable skin for convenient snacking. Use the juice in a tropical-inspired smoothie or along with garlic, cilantro, and olive oil in a marinade for grilled pork.
Meyer Lemons
Meyer lemons are a sweeter, floral cousin to traditional lemons. Their thin skin and slightly less tart juice make them a favorite for desserts, marinades, and salad dressings. They’re perfect for recipes where a touch of sweetness can elevate the dish, like lemon bars or creamy custards.
Sumo Citrus
Sumo Citrus is the VIP of winter citrus. Easy to peel, seedless, and incredibly sweet, these oversized mandarins are a perfect snack straight out of the peel. With their juicy texture and rich flavor, they’re also ideal for fresh salads or as a topping for desserts.
Satsuma Mandarins
Satsuma mandarins are nature’s candy. With their delicate, easy-to-peel skin and ultra-sweet, juicy flesh, they’re a go-to for snacking. They’re also a great addition to winter salads or for adding a pop of sweetness to savory dishes.
Citrus can be kept at room temperature for a few days, but the best place is in the crisper drawer where it will last for a few weeks. Just keep away from apples and pears—they emit ethylene gases that can accelerate the ripening process in most citrus.
Comments (14)
Maybe you said it in your emails but I’m not sure how much is a delivery charge
Hi Paul, great question! Our delivery charges can vary on location and which third party shipping partner we use to ship to your zip code. For more information about your delivery charges, visit our Help Desk here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/ If you can’t find what you’re looking for, we’d be happy to help! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I was pleased with my last box.
these posts would be A LOT more helpful if you put pictures of each fruit – whole and cut – next to each different kind. these lists mean NOTHING without a picture
Hello! You’re totally right, so we just added this image into the blog post that names each of the citrus. You can also see it here: https://i1.wp.com/blog.misfitsmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Citrus_Guide_blog_1.jpg?w=1224&ssl=1
Thanks for the suggestion!
Do I have to order every week?
Hi and thank you for your question! Depending on your subscription, whether it’s weekly or biweekly, you will have to select what goes into each box. You will receive an email notification from Misfits Market when your window to add to your box is open, and you can also log into your account page and there will be a large countdown clock that lets you know when you can add to your box each week. Thanks!
Can’t get my promo code to work
Hi Wade, we’re sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your promo code and we’d like to look into this. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
What the heck ever happened to tangerines? Why can’t I find them anywhere anymore? Please find us someand send them! Thank you in advance.
Is it possible to find out what state the grapefruits come from. Over the years I’ve become partial to Texas grown grapefruit. Just asking. Thanks!
Hi Paula, great question! We source our organic produce from a number of farms across the Americas, which may include farms in Texas. To learn more about our sourcing philosophy, please visit our website here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/sourcing
Hi Misfits! I was wondering if you could/would use my list of items for the week to substitute an item you run out of. Say I order zucchini and bib lettuce and green beans. Say you run out of zucchini and need to substitute. Please don’t sub a cucumber for the zucchini, do another bib lettuce instead, or more green beans. I’m allergic to cucumbers. I’m also allergic to okra. This way my money is spent on what I can eat. Possible??? Thanks, Deanie P.
Hi Nadine, thank you for your comment! We aim to only ship what you have ordered and will only occasionally make a substitute due to an unforeseen circumstance. However, we want to make this right! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!