The final month of the year doesn’t disappoint when it comes to fresh produce. Hardy winter squashes are still a mainstay, but you’ll start to see a lot more of juicy citrus—Valencia, Cara Cara, navel oranges, plus grapefruit, lemons, and limes—and more surprising varieties of radishes and root veggies like celery root and sunchokes.
Get a look at all of the delicious fruits, veggies, and herbs you might see in your boxes this month:

Learn more about our sourcing philosophy here.
Get a sneak peek at what’s in your box each week here.
Comments (93)
I didn’t realize I’d receive so many items that I didn’t order. I thought when I chose them that I would get the , and not replacements
Hi Marcia, thank you for your comment! If you ordered a specific item, you should have received that item. Occasionally, we may need to make a substitute, but it should be a comparable sub i.e. tomato for a different type of tomato. However, we want to make sure everyone gets everything that they order, and we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
this is the 3rd time i didnt recieve my full order…NO tomatoes or Oranges..no replacements…..just got nothing instead…ive emailed your non existant customer service to no avail so im posting here…..maybe i should post this on social media instead of code for discount to non existent items not sent…..such a sham
I received one item out of the 18 choices. What is the sense of having me pick what I want if I don’t receive it. Secondly, THREE IF THE ITEMS IN THIS BOX, I am allergic to.
Hi Tania, we are so sorry that you didn’t receive the items you selected. This is definitely not up to our standards and we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I had the same issue. Items I chose are not included.
Hi Amanda, we’re sorry to hear that you did not receive the items you ordered. We want to look into this and make it right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Same here! I didn’t get half of what I requested. I asked for 3 different greens and got none. We can only eat so many limes. And I got a celery root in place of celery, that’s not a similar item.
Hi KH, we’re sorry to hear that you did not receive the items you ordered. We want to look into this and make it right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
The same thing happened to me! I didn’t get tomatoes at all or Cucumbers. I got yellow squash and Mangos! I don’t order the Mangos because they are from another country that would not regulate the spraying of toxic chemicals.
Hi Dona, We’re so sorry to hear that you did not receive everything that you ordered! And we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
As for our mangoes, rest assured that all of the produce we source is certified organic regardless of where they are sourced. No toxic chemicals here!
I want to be able to get the veggies…cabbage/broccoli/cauliflower…they were sold out on my last order…when may I order my next box to insure I can get these veggies?
Hi Annette, great question! If you visit your account page here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/account there will be a countdown clock to let you know when you can add to your next box. You will have a 3-day window to add items to your box and shop The Marketplace. Your window opens at 4 p.m. ET the same time each week.
I have paused my account 2 times due to not being able to get logged in at my countdown time. Another time when I was finally allowed to sign in, 90% of the items I wanted were already sold out. I’ve been a customer since July, and I’ve unfortunately seen a decline as you continue to grow and add more states to your delivery area.
Hi Donna, we’re so sorry to hear about the login issues and our lack of variety. Because we are rescuing produce, we cannot always guarantee the amount of items we can rescue, which is why some things sell out more quickly than others. As for the website issue, we’ll pass this information along to our team to make sure that when your customization window is open that we have fewer login issues.
In the meantime, if there’s anything else we do, please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I have found it’s important to order the day ordering is avilable – otherwise, many items are sold out.
I had the same problem Now I have an alarm set so that on my shopping day I get only at exactly 4 PM. Problem solved.
Hi Theresa, we’re sorry if you received a box on an off week! Last week, we had some delays due to our third party shipping partners and their delivery schedule around Thanksgiving. If you’d like to pause your subscription, please log in and visit your account page here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/account Then, scroll down to “Your plan” and click “Manage” where you’ll be able to change your subscription preferences. Thank you!
It would be nice if we could order several units of one item…For example 2 apples is fine for 2 unless you want to make a pie you need 6,-8 for. If you could use 3 items of apples total 6 it would be helpful. Why limit each item to one bbn inclusion?
Agree! This would be very helpful for large familes.
Oops didn’t mean to put my full name can you please remove my full name? Thanks!
I have the same problem – this may be a make or break for me – I have been forced to order items I don’t want or need because we are so limited in each category – I know they are trying to balance what they have and be fair, but I am actually wasting money and produce because I can’t get what I want/need. Our family is small (2) and we aren’t seeing our grown children because of the pandemic – 8 months ago, this would not have presented a problem, but it does today. I am looking forward to returning to a somewhat normal life one of these days.
Hi Sherry, we’re sorry you’ve been disappointed with the selection lately and we totally understand the frustration. Rest assured that we constantly making improvements to our website and the selection of produce we’re able to offer so in the future you’ll have more items to choose from and you’ll be able to add multiple quantities of specific fruit or vegetable. We hope you continue to make Misfits Market part of your normal routine and we greatly appreciate this feedback. Thank you!
First box and the last for me. Why would you ship fresh produce that would take 5 days to arrive. I would have not ordered if you told me you were not going to bump up my order for Thanksgiving. Instead you chose to send it by camel. Shipped Tuesday, came late Saturday and I cooked for hours to try and use this up! Tuesday afternoon most all of the vegetables not cooked are rotted and soft. New refrigerator, so that’s not the issue Thanks for the lesson
Hi Shar, we are so sorry to hear about the delayed box! Due to the holiday, our third party shipping partners had several delays but rest assured that this is out of the norm for us and we’d like to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I would just like to say, during these uncertain times it is very difficult for all of us to experience Normal. Normal was redefined March 2020! I am so happy with my Misfit boxes each week! My boxes are filled with fresh organic produce which inspires me to plan out my weeks meals! You guys are doing a fantastic job! Thank you.
I agree. The selection is very good, mostly very good quality, and the staff is responsive if there is anything is anything wrong with the order. Great job!
How do I select from the marketplace? I used to be able to but now can’t find the products.
Hi Sarah, thank you for your question! Happy to help. You should receive an email from Misfits Market when your Marketplace window opens. (Please check your spam to make sure our emails aren’t being sent there.) You can simply click the link in that email and it will take you directly to the page to select what goes into your box and to choose from The Marketplace. Or, you can log in to your account. On this page here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/account It will alert you when you can shop The Marketplace. Or, if your window is open, you can shop directly from this page.
If you’re still having trouble finding this page, please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Please tell me how to prepare brussels sprout tops. I received a great big bunch and now I’m stumped about what to do with them. Thanks.
Hi Lenny, lucky you! This is our first time shipping Brussels sprout tops and we’re excited to cook them ourselves! Essentially, you can cook the tops exactly how you would regular Brussels sprouts. Chop them up into 1-inch pieces, cover them with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast them for 35-40 minutes in a 400-degree oven. Then, add some balsamic vinegar or parmesan cheese!
Plus, are some of our favorite Misfits Market recipes that use Brussels sprouts. Enjoy!
I am a new customer and can’t find out what day I should get my order.
Hi Ellen, welcome! Please sign into your account and visit your account page here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/account
Once on this page, there will be a countdown clock and calendar tool that alerts you when you can customize your box. This section also includes the date you should receive your box. If you’re still having trouble finding this or confused when your box should arrive, please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
My first should have arrived yesterday, 11-4. I’ve not rec’d my box nor did I receive an email with order or tracking number. Can you tell me what’s going on?
Hi Mary, we’re sorry to hear you haven’t received your box and we want to look into the delay. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
The first box I received also took 5 days to arrive. I suppose it was because of Thanksgiving. One of the cooling packets was torn open. Not sure what the leafy item was. I had to throw it away it was so rotten. I did enjoy much of the box. There were a few items I had never tried before. I enjoyed the new taste of them.
Hi Vivian, we’re happy to hear that you enjoyed most of your box but sorry to hear about the delay. We want to make this right! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Received my first box today, the madness sized deal. I knew it was not going to disappoint, but I didn’t think it would be this good. I didn’t love all the things I had to select, but I can make just about anything work with a little imagination. I intentionally waited to share with anyone until I got mine, but verdict is in & bet your sweet ass ill be telling as many who will listen about this box subscription. A MUST HAVE.ake them soul and you bet il
*revision* Please ignore jibberish that follows my intended closing sentence stating ‘A MUST HAVE’. I guess I type fate than the processor can produce the visual … you get the point, I hope!
Good afternoon,
I’m a new member and my first box is scheduled to come on the 10th. When will I be able to add additional items to my box?
I thought my order window was today @ 4:00pm. I went to your site but was not able to order. I only got the signup screen.
Hi Jacqueline, we’re sorry to hear you had issues logging in to make your selection! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Th jug s will be my 2nd box & my window is open now & until the 8th. My acct. to be played on Wed.. all that looks fine & I should be among those to have the -$10 for marketplace items. Problem for me is says not to arrive til Sat. 19th when I thought it would be here on the 12th. Please advise.
Hi Linda, we’d like to look into this for you! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I have been getting a weekly box of random produce for a couple of months now and I love it!
Inam a vegan and have been a kitchen freak for over 20 years.
I love that every box is a surprise!
It has helped me rediscover my culinary creativity and it has been a delicious blast!
I have been out of work for months so this is a wonderful way to stay healthy cheaply.
I don’t know what I’d do without it and it makes me a little angry to see so many people complain about what are essentially luxury item to many americans, during a pandemic or otherwise.
Thank you for everything, this is an incredible service.
Greeting. I’m new to this and am awaiting my first shipment. I signed up for a delivery, which was to arrive this past Saturday, December 5th. It didn’t arrive and I received no e-mail or other form of communication indicating why that was. I decided to go to the website to check out my account. The delivery date had been changed to Monday, today. I went again to my account this afternoon and see that the delivery date is now changed to Tuesday, tomorrow. How do I find out when, in fact, my box will be delivered, and why is there no notification when delilevery dates are changed?
Thanks for your assistance with this.
Hi Jonathon, we’d like to look into this for you! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
After reading some of the negative comments, I had to speak out.
I decided to try Misfits Market because my daughter in NYC raved about it. During this pandemic I’ve stayed out of groceries. I knew I would be getting quality produce. I also knew it wouldn’t be perfect; that’s why it’s called Misfits.
At times I haven’t received all the items I customized but what was replaced was just as nice; e.g. I didn’t get the grapefruit but I got 2 oranges. I too have received smashed or rotting items. I take a picture of the items and reach out to a support team member. Within 24 hrs I get a credit or fair percent off. My pears were destroyed because I ordered a Market Place item with sharp edges. I got over it pretty quickly. Instacart makes the same mistakes!
But I can tell you this: what a quality company. Fresh organic produce can be a bit spotty, but it’s worth it!
So stop complaining, enjoy trying out new stuff (did someone say Swiss Chard!) and be glad you even have the option of Misfits Market.
Oh, love the Market Place! Such great choices.
Thank you so much Lindsey! We truly appreciate your kind comment and are so happy to hear you’ve been happy with Misfits Market. We appreciate both positive and negative feedback and hope you continue to have a positive experience with us. If there’s ever anything we can do, please do not hesitate to ask!
Amazing! It’s helped me get more veggies on the table. So easy. Thank you!!
Hi, for the most part I like the veggies. I too am dismayed that most items I would like are not available. Also when I received my last box, my cucumbers, apples and pears were on the bottom of the box. Hence, I lost all my cucumbers, roughly 8, my only 2 apples and 4 pears.
I went on to order on a Tuesday morning to order my box for delivery on Friday. I too, would like to be able to order multiple items of one veggie, especially when the selection is limited.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide me with.
Hi Christy, great suggestion! We’re constantly optimizing how customers can order food from Misfits Market, including adding multiple quantities of one item. We’ll pass this feedback along to the team and hope to see this implemented very soon!
As for the quality issues, we want to make this right! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I received my second box it had bad items in it just like my first box I need to cancel my account not paying for bad vegetables also the items that look good when I get them only last one or two days and need to be thrower away. I made you aware of my first box and you gave me a discount on my second box but it was just as bad.
Hi Janice, we’re sorry to about the quality of your latest box. We want to look into this and make it right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I have been a customer for a few months and absolutely love Misfits. We’re a large family who eats lots of fruits and veggies; having it delivered to my door is perfect even more do during the pandemic. An extremely satisfied customers.
Thank you, Nathalie! We’re so happy to hear that you’re happy with Misfits Market. If there’s anything we can ever do, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We have been ordering for a few months now and get a large box every Friday and love it! It has made us step outside our box and try new produce we normally don’t and eat a lot more produce! We Make sure to keep track of our email so we can pick our produce in time! Great communication if something is going to be late and we were informed thanksgiving boxes would be after the holiday so I skipped mine for that week, super easy!! Love this subscription and adding extra items from marketplace almost every week now!
Wow, Alissa! Thank you so much for the kind comment. We’re so happy to hear how happy you’ve been with your boxes and appreciate your positive feedback. If there’s anything we can do for you in the future, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks!
I have been on your waiting list for almost a year. Any idea when I’ll be eligible to get an order?
Hi Frances, we’re so happy that you’re interested in Misfits Market! Please check this list to see if you live in a state where we currently deliver: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/faq#5
If you live in a listed state and still haven’t received a notification for your first box, you may live in an area with a high demand. We are constantly expanding into new states and adding new days to our delivery schedule and hope to be able to deliver to you soon!
For a more specific time, please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I just wanted to say thank you for providing such a wonderful service ❤ I am so happy with MM and though there may have been a couple of hiccups along the way with delivery, your customer care team made it right.. My last several orders have been beautifully packaged and my fruits and veggies were very fresh. I know you all work hard to make our lives easier and you do make our lives easier.
Thank you for the kind message, Carla! We appreciate the comment and do our best to make sure every box is picked and packed as beautifully as yours. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Received my first box and it looks like it was thrown into my yard. Box was upside down and partially unsealed. Tomatoes were split, mushrooms from market squashed and unusable, etc. Had to throw away about 1/4 to 1/3 of my items. So disappointed.
Hi Sandra, we are so sorry to hear about the state of your first box! We work with third party shipping partners and try our best to tell them how to handle your fragile produce. We want to make this right! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I didn’t really understand this service when I signed up….I still don’t…I haven’t gotten a box yet. But I am excited!! It sounds like you guys are going to bring a bit of Chopped! into my kitchen. I was a solid cook when the pandemic started. Now I’ve added a bunch of Indian, Thai and Middle Eastern experiments to my experience. This is going to be awesome!
Hi Nathan, welcome to the Misfits Market family! We’re so excited for your first box. When you signed up for your subscription, you had to select a day that you wanted to receive your box. If that date has come and gone and you still haven’t received your first box, we want to look into this! Could you please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Do you or a similar service ship in Europe. I send a gift to friends in Germany. Next year I would like to surprise them with ugly veggies.
Hi Julie, thank you for your interest! Currently, we only ship to a select number of states in the U.S. and do not currently ship to Europe.
I am happy to get my box and get a surprise (even though I put it together. BUT, I have received rotten produce mixed into my box. Please do better QC as this is defeating your customers expectation. My son & g’son are now with me and g’son won’t eat the fruit, says is bad so I am now reconsidering fruit.
Hi Gail, we’re so sorry to hear about the state of your latest boxes and we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
Hope so I cancel my membersip? Linda Colcord
Hi Linda, we’re sorry to see you go and hope you reconsider. If you’d like to pause or cancel your subscription, please log in and visit your account page here: https://www.misfitsmarket.com/account Then, scroll down to “Your plan” and click “Manage” where you’ll be able to change your subscription preferences. Thank you!
We’ve gotten three boxes so far and I am so grateful. I’m in Wisconsin and we had a big garden so most of the summer and fall, we were growing our own but now that it is cold, I only have herbs inside. Grateful for the veggies and fruit and the surprise every box gives. Thank you for your mission. I stumbled across you by accident and was intrigued by the name Misfits, similar to a blogger I followed 10 years ago. I am glad I explored.
Thank you, Julie! We’re so happy to hear how happy you are with your Misfits Market boxes. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you!
Really like this company. I ordered from another company before this and things were a mess. Like the person above I wish I could order several of something particularly in the order 6 category, but all good. I don’t eat any lettuce but I have found an out, a friend is delighted to get any lettuce I order. So when I have to order 6 things and most are lettuce I am good.
Why did I receive a “mystery box” instead of the items that I ordered last time? Also why isn’t my order listed on my account history each time so I can cross check with the contents? Thanks!
Hi Connie, we’re sorry that you received items that you didn’t order and we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
As for previous orders, please log into your account and click “My Orders.” If you click Current & Past, you’ll be able to see all previous orders and what you selected. If you received a mystery box of produce and cannot find that order, there may have been an error in the checkout process and we didn’t receive your picks. Please include that information in your message to our CS team and we will look into it. Thank you!
marica….your lucky you got replacements…i dont get any..i should post a pic of what i got for $27.oo but im to embarassed …..
Hi Elaina, we’re so sorry to hear that you did not receive everything that you ordered and we want to make this right! Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw It will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
I have twice paused my subscription because of poor delivery results. Prior to Covid and growth, I was very happy with the subscription. Then something happened. Whoever was hired to try to meet the demand did not have the same standards as the initial crew. Fruits and veggies were just thrown into the box. Some were crushed and unusable. On one order, I had to trash half the box; including my add on chocolate bar because it was thrown to the bottom of the box and the crushed tomatoes seeped into the wrapper.
I agree with the person who said your customer service is non existent. I’ve NEVER received a response to any of my emails and no part of my trashed orders where compensated in any way. I like the idea of this program and have referred others. But now, I’m unsure as to what I’m going to do.
Hi Nanette, we are so sorry to hear about the quality of your boxes and our lack of response. Rest assured that if you’ve messaged our team that it’s in our queue awaiting a response. However, if you’ve received no communication from us, please check your spam folder to make sure our emails are not being sent there. We want to make this right, so we suggest filling out a new ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw just to be safe. Thank you!
We were getting ready to place our first order, when I came across these numerous negative comments regarding the product and customer service. This certainly changed our minds! No thanks!
for my first box i am confused. i can understand UGLY veggies, but cut, half pear and apple, shovel damaged sweet potatoes with half rotten ends that will rot before long i don’t understand. i am sure i will be stopping my orders and not renewing if this is what i can expect with each box.
i can send pics if you want. why would they put in a pear with a large side cut out that needs to sit and ripen before it can be used??? the other has a large soft spot that will probably rot before the pear has a chance to ripen. they are rock hard!!
Hi JoAn, we’re sorry to hear about the quality of your first box! That’s definitely not up to our standards and we want to make this right. Please fill out a ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw You can also add photos, but we trust that if the quality was not up to your standards, it was no tup to ours. Your message will be added to our queue and our team will be in touch with you via email as soon as they can. Thank you!
We are delighted with the boxes and service we have received. It’s called misfits market for a reason…the concept is organic veggies not quite grocery store perfect, that’s the point right? Clean food, help avoid Food waste…if you are not flexible in trying new veggies you may have not purchased or getting things not exactly as you prioritized maybe this is not for you, instead go put your mask on, get in your car and go pick your own veggies 🙂
I’ve been a customer for about 3 months now and I love it! We upgraded to a Madness box for this week and I can’t wait to see what we get. The few times that a substitution has been made it’s been something that we’ll eat. My 7 year old son even makes “unboxing” videos when we get our box and I’ve gotten him to try new foods that he wouldn’t normally eat like the purple sweet potatoes and delicata squash. Thank you so much for Misfits!
This service is TERRIBLE. I received a smashed box with half the produce either rotten or damaged. They have no customer service department nor phone number. Contacted them twice via their site, which is the only method they have. Sent photos and description. No answer. On BBB they have an F rating. Apparently this is the norm. Send bad stuff and then not correct anything nor even respond. There is nothing to keep the shipment cool. They patched baby dukes under heavy squash and arrived smushed and broken.. One apple looked like a horse bit it. Napa was rotten. My celery looked like it had run thru a lawnmower. Other issues as well, too much to list.
Hi Michelle, we are so sorry to hear about the quality of your box! This is definitely not up to our standards and we want to make this right. Rest assured that if you’ve reached out to our customer success team that your message is in our queue and we will reply as soon as we can. However, if you’ve received no communication from us, please check your spam folder to make sure emails are not going there. We’d suggest filling out a new ticket with our customer success team here: https://help.misfitsmarket.com/contact/custom-contact-form-S1NAIK1Iw just in case. Thank you!
Misfits made it right. I’m definitely giving them another try.
Misfits made it right and rectified my issue. I’m definitely giving them another try.
I canceled my subscription after receiving two boxes in a row that looked as though the produce was pulled from a dumpster. The items that I could salvage, and there were very few items to be salvaged, I had to cook right away because they were in poor condition. It seems like a good concept but poorly managed. What a shame. I did put in a a ticket but never heard back from anyone.
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